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Women Unite (South Africa)  
Women Unite

FOUNDED in April 1997. Having been exposed to the cultures of the different bands that Thandi Swaartbooi has been part of, she felt that women were not getting the recognition, both financially and professionally, that they deserved considering the hard work and commitment that they displayed. Also, the nice opportunities were always being rewarded to the men, which was extremely unfair. With the changes happening in our society and all over the world, the woman’s role has evolved tremendously, and this has been one of the things that inspired Thandi to approach a number of talented young women looking to make a future for themselves in the field of Arts & Culture.

The Aims and Objectives of the Group include:

1. To prove to the world that women can do it on their own. 2. To mobilize women into becoming actively involved in organizations of dance, drama and poetry.
3. To develop leadership of women in their respective communities by encouraging them to empower themselves to become independent.
4. To educate and raise awareness of both children and adults alike about the important issues facing the world like Aids, gangsterism, homelessness, abuse (with more emphasis on women), prostitution, drugs, etc.
5. To provide the members opportunities to advance in the field of Arts & Culture and reap the financial rewards gained by the group.
6. To contribute to the growth of Tourism in the Western Cape and the whole of South Africa.
7. To promote the African culture in foreign countries and guarantee this legacy for posterity.

marimba, percussion, vocals
Genre: traditional / indigenous
Women Unite
The People

The group of eight women who have been previously trained in different disciplines of music, dance and drama. Additionally, the members of the group are currently professionals in different industries, working for prominent companies and offering specialized skills that contribute to the success of Women Unite. Some members are also studying professional dance at university.

Contact Details:

Making Music Artist Agency
tel : +27 21 4397222
fax: +27 21 4398002

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