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Mahotella Queens (South Africa)  
Mahotella Queens ©

The Mahotella Queens have returned after the success of Bazobuya with an album that their fans will be delighted to experience. Their trip on a more progressive musical route served them well, but they have returned with an album that sees them once again, digging deep into their roots' the album in question is the brilliant, brand new Reign And Shine.

The Queens' experimental approach has always broken down any misconceptions of their Mbaqanga genre. Having recently kicked off some incredible performances back home, including Live 8 'Africa Standing Tall Against Poverty concert', they are bringing the house down wherever they go. It's a rare treat to have them back in South Africa and one that the public will take advantage of wherever they can - packing out venues to be a part of their energetic live show. They also treated Scottish fans to a uniquely South African cultural experience when they performed with ‘One Giant Leap' at the Live 8 Summit in Gleneagles when the leaders of the Summit met to discuss world affairs.

Genre: mbaqanga, African, traditional / indigenous
The new album is fresh and dynamic. Mostly a capella in style, the tracks range from the traditional classics like Thandanani and Town Hall to mostly brand new material. The trio successfully take up the alto, soprano and tenor roles as vocalists and after thirty years have mastered the art of singing. An album profiling their vocal genius is long overdue and with only smatterings of guitar appearing on a few tracks, it is an incredible listening experience for fans of vocal accomplishment.

Leader of the group Hila Troubatla is excited about the release. “We wanted to show our versatility and do something in a different style" she said. Not only is the group breaking new ground musically, they have also decided to leave the safety net of their large record company and sign with the more passion-driven independent, AS Entertainment, working closely alongside Antos Stella, long-time peer and promoter of the group.

Some History
The Mahotella Queens represent so much of what is the best in South African music: the finely honed art of passionate singing, the latticework of funky rhythms and the breath-taking art of spectacular live performance.

“World Music Artist Of The Year" at WOMEX 2000, the Mahotella Queens are South Africa’s fore-most Afro-pop singing group. Known in their native land for their distinctive ‘mbaqanga' genre of music, the Queens firmly sealed their place in the legend of urban music in the early 60’s, whilst backing the ‘lion of Soweto' Mahlathini in the formidable group Mahlathini and The Mahotella Queens.

They soon hit the international scene as heroes of the cultural resistance to apartheid and were idols to South Africa’s black community during the dark years. Far more than just Mahlathini’s female choir, the Queens were one of his groups key elements, the extra bit of soul that gave it’s music it’s unique colour, intimately original yet widely universal.

The Mahotella Queens
During the mid 70’s the group took a break due to marriages and childbirths, but rejoined in the early 80’s. In 1987, West Nkosi collaborated with the group, resulting in the international hit 'Kazet'.

The death of West Nkosi and the great Simon ‘Mahlathini' Nkabinde marked the year 2000 with many black stones. After a period of mourning, the Mahotella Queens decided to take it up again, along with a great band from their homeland. Resolutely turned to the future, the three queens have returned to battle. It’s nothing short of a new group, a new story and a new adventure for those that have never given up the struggle.

The album Bazobuya saw international interest flair up and they were once again whisked off to performances and recordings overseas. The album provided an enigmatic and progressive look at the Mbaqanga genre. Produced by the dynamic young producer Veli Shabangu, Bazobuya saw these legendary African voices taking the global world music scene by storm.

The world is welcoming the Mahotella Queens back into the limelight.

Contact Details:

For more information: AS Entertainment, Antos Stella on 083 400 6285 or

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